The Road to Electronic Manifest Tracking
In 2006, a system was proposed where the EPA was exploring the possibility of implementing and hosting an IT platform to manage and track shipment of hazardous waste across the country. The overall response was positive with the exception of a some concerns (ie. confidential business information, web security, difference in state hazardous waste disposal regulations, and state and federal reporting requirements). Since the initial request for commentary was issued in 2008 the proposal seemed to stop dead in it's tracks. The only information provided by the EPA was that, due to the concerns that were very valid, the EPA would need to do more research in the tangibility of the potential system implementation at a federal level. On August 2, 2012 the Senate passed "S. 710: Hazardous Waste Electronic Manifest Establishment Act." This bill amends the Solid Waste Disposal act to direct the administrator of the EPA to establish a hazardous waste e-manifes...