
Showing posts from June, 2018

Tech Corner: Know your hazardous waste accumulation & storage rules

One notable change triggered by the Hazardous Waste Generator Improvement rule is the marking and label requirements on hazardous waste accumulation containers while in satellite waste accumulation and in central waste storage.   Previous RCRA labeling regulations did not require generators to identify and indicate the specific hazards of the hazardous waste accumulated in containers, tanks, drip pads and containment buildings.   This resulted in a failure to communicate risks associated with wastes being accumulated or stored in different locations. Another risk associated with marking and labels was the Treatment Storage Disposal Facility (TSDF) not knowing how to treat the waste to meet land disposal restriction requirements because generators did not always identify the specific RCRA waste codes associated with the waste. To avoid these risks the following changes to hazardous waste management regulations have been applied: 1.        S...

Regulatory Update: EPA’s E-Manifest system launch June 30, 2018

EPA’s Electronic Manifest System known as “eManifest” is scheduled to launch on June 30, 2018.   This system has been established according to the Hazardous Waste Electronic Manifest Establishment Act put into law on October 5, 2012.   The system’s goal is to modernize our nations “cradle-to-grave” hazardous waste tracking process.   Here are some important points to consider during this transition. The new eManifest system offers a centralized single platform hosted by the EPA designed to streamline tracking of all hazardous waste shipped after June 30.   TSDFs will be required to submit manifest data to the EPA for the shipments they receive.   This data will then be made available to all local, state, and federal agencies of interest and, after some time, also publically accessible for research and study purposes. Once rolled out, eManifest will automate much of the hazardous waste tracking process.   However, some other regulatory agencies that ...

Regulatory Updates: EPA proposes adding aerosols to list of universal wastes

The EPA is considering adding hazardous waste aerosol cans to those universal wastes regulated under 40 CFR 273.  This proposal would streamline the management of hazardous waste aerosol cans and reduce disposal costs. Read more

Sustainable Solutions at Your Disposal: Recycling programs & activites

WHAT RECYCLING PROGRAMS & ACTIVITIES DO YOU HAVE IMPLEMENTED? Thinking about starting a recycling program?  What recycling programs or activities do you already have implemented? Please share with us what recycling programs you already have implemented that’s working! Post your answer in the comments below.