
Showing posts from June, 2012

Taking Care of Yourself on Bad Air Quality Days - High Ozone Levels

Exposure to elevated ozone levels can cause breathing problems, aggravate asthma and other pre-existing lung diseases, and make people more susceptible to respiratory infection.  When ozone levels are elevated, people should refrain from strenuous outdoor activity, especially sensitive populations such as children and adults with respiratory problems. When ozone is forecast to be unhealthy, EPA asks the public to take action. The public can help reduce ozone by: Using public transportation, car pooling and/or combining trips; Avoiding the use of small gasoline powered engines, such as lawn mowers tractors chain saws power washers air compressors weed whackers Lastly, you can help by not topping off the gas tank to your car.  This causes gasoline to spill, you breath in these hazardous fumes, it disrupts the nation's vapor recovery system and your car's tank no longer has room for the gas to expand. Posted by: Virginia Robertson For more information...

Fastest Growing Infectious Disease in America

Lyme disease is the fastest growing infectious disease in America.  There are 10 times more cases than AIDS, SARS, West Nile Virus and Swine Flu combined!  Here is some useful information to use to protect yourself. Posted By: Shobhana Sharma

Keeping Cool in this Heat - Quick Easy Tips

Feeling Hot?  Here are some tips I read about to help stay cool. Graze, don't eat - avoid heavy meals (Grill something). Wear loose, absorbent clothing (linen is great). Keep a cool, damp cloth or towel handy. Drink lots of water - keep hydrated. Try some hot, spicy food - WHY? Spicy food can actually help your body cool off.  HOW? By causing you to perspire, your skin gets damp, and the evaporation of the water from your skin helps cool you down. Take a cold water bottle to bed (put it at your feet or neck). Finally, remember to watch your kids, elders and pets too.  They are more susceptible to extreme heat conditions! Be safe out there. For more tips read EPA's Fifteen Hot Tips for a Cool Summer . Posted by: Shobhana Sharma

Documerica Revival 41 Year In The Making

Documerica was initially launched in 1971 sponsored by the EPA to “photographically document subjects of environmental concern” in the U.S.  This project lasted about 5 years.  During this time the EPA enlisted a wide variety of freelance and well-known professional photographers like Danny Lyon, Bill Strode, Charles O’Rear and John H. White.  With the broad task of this project came radically different views and interpretations of artistic perspective.  From urban cityscapes to everyday life in small towns and country scenes.  The photos depicted the natural beauty like Lake Tahoe, the Great Lakes, Hawaii, and Washington D.C.  They also depicted environmental issues like water and air pollution in major cities, junk yards, and traffic.  The project ultimately preserved a distinct visual and now historical record of time and place in the early 1970s.  In cooperation with the National Archives, the EPA has revived this project once again in 2...