Tech Corner: More states institute COVID-19 Standards


Credit: Simon Davis/DFID

14 states have instituted COVID-19 safety standards for the work place so far. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to surge in the US, the concern for worker safety and health has all but subsided and the need to institute COVID-19 safety standards has become very apparent. In the absence of federal leadership in establishing these standards, some governors and state health departments have stepped up to expand worker protections.

Virginia was the first state to issue an Emergency Temporary Standard to protect workers during the COVID-19 pandemic along with Oregon and Michigan shortly following. Other states have issued guidelines, some of which are tied to enforcement efforts. Additional some cites also have issued ordinances geared toward protecting their local workers.

Below is partial list of states along the Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern regions that have adopted COVID-19 safety standards (with links to more information)


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